Category: Bazaar | Project: Permuafakatan Keluarga Mbah Ngasiem
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About This Page
PPTSBC`s official Access Tools such as Access Card, Car Sticker and Motorcycle Sticker can be purchased from this site.
Scroll to the list of tools from this page and make a selection by clicking on the Purchase button and your item will be added to the cart list. You can add more tools by clicking on
the Purchase button on each of the tool.
To make a payment, click on the cart list icon on the top right corner of this page. You can proceed with your payment from the cart page.
You can adjust the tools quantity by clicking on the + or - button for each tools.
Only official residents/tenants are allowed to purchase these access tools after verification by our committee member.
Your tools will be delivered by our committee member to your house or you can pick it up from our authorized committee member.